Monday, August 28, 2006

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

Daniel with our celebratory "$4,000 cake"

We were notified by mail today that we have recieved a $4000 grant from Shaohannah's Hope! I was so happy and overwhelmed with thankfulness that I cried! I think Jonathan and Daniel thought I was crazy. We immediately filled in another 40 circles on our Adoption Fund Chart! 140 down, only 65 more to go!

Sometimes this adoption road seems dark and the end is nowhere in sight. At times like these the road lights up and the way is clear and we know there ARE children waiting at the other end peering up the road with the same mixture of awe and excitement we have.

God only knows when our paths will meet and for today that is OK. :-)

1 comment:

Ann said...

congrats on your grant. It's so awesome that there grants out there to help adoptive families.