Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Happy Gotcha Day to Kai and a note on Sarah-Grace

One year ago today we met Kai Wei for the first time! It hardly seems possible. In some ways it seems like just yesterday and in other ways it feels like forever. We had a CELEBRATE! card for him this morning and we told him we would go out to dinner this weekend--just Kai and Mom and Dad. He likes that! We talked a little about the day we met in Taiwan. But for right now Kai prefers to look forward, not back.

Here are some firsts for Kai this year as well as some language learning he has done. In looking over these I can see how he has been changing and growing;

Drive-in Movie
Snow Tubing
Back Packing
Fifth grade in the USA
Boy Scouts
Christmas morning in a family
And of course, being part of a large family--He really likes that. Says when he grows up he will get married, have a big house, lots of cool cars and a lot of kids--maybe 6 or 7 :-)

Just after we got home from Taiwan Kai announced that he knew I was Debbie and Daddy was Dana because he listened and heard us call each other that in Taiwan.
Rebecca was Bagga.
To express all of something he would say "everybody", whether it was food or cars etc.
as in "Everybody for me." (I can eat all this) and "Everybody for sale?" (in the car lot)
One day I told Kai he was being selfish, later he said I was mean, "You call me crayfish!"
Our church is the Basket Ball Church or very early it was the Basket Ball jiao tan(Chinese for church), because it is where he plays basketball.

And still, when we go out to a restaurant, we "go outside eat" ever a favorite of Kai's.

Kai has such an awesome personality and great sense of humor. He is also opinionated and the grass is always greener on the other side. But right now I think he is fairly content with where the year has brought him. I know he is sometimes still frustrated or feeling misunderstood or confused. But I also believe he feels loved and accepted. What a year it has been for one little boy and his whole big family!

Now for a note on Sarah-Grace:

Our Congressman heard from AIT about the same info we've been hearing. They want to see the father sign relinquishment papers before they will issue a visa. That was the bad news. However, just after we learned that we heard from Taiwan that the court date for this case is February 19 and the judge who is presiding over the case really cares about the good of the child and usually is able to give his rulings in a timely manner. So more waiting, but maybe an end in sight? Please pray!


Whitney said...

What a happy occasion and great news about Sarah-Grace! We will be praying as the 19th is only days away :)

Josh and Whitney Albright

Anonymous said...

that sounds hopeful!!!!!! come home soon sarah grace and happy gotcha day kai!

Tisra said...

End in sight! I am praying!

waiting to bring Dorothy home from India

Anonymous said...

Fingers crossed that Feb 19th is a great day for your family, especially Sarah-Grace!


Breka said...

I sorta miss being Bagga. Especially because I accidently deleted the voicemail he left on my 'my phone' a few weeks after coming home...and I'd been keeping it so carefully for so long. :-(

Ann said...

I loved reading all about Kai's first year with you guys. He seems so happy in the pictures.
The news On Sarah grace is hopefull...please please let this go through..maybe you'll get the same judge we got he/she was pretty are in my prayers!!