Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A Bright Star in a Sea of Doubt

Today was not a great day.  I was not a particularly nice mom, because I felt harried.  I knew I had to be out of the house by 1:15 for a DR apt. and I knew I had LOTS for these kids to accomplish during school before that time.

After a 2 hour appointment with a psychiatrist we were told that our child is ADHD and should be medicated.  hmm. . .OK I guess.  I mean at this point, what can it hurt?  If it makes him happier, more able to cope, better able to learn.  Why not give it a try?  But I am not fully convinced.  It would be too good to be true if a pill could solve a problem.  Especially if that problem really resides in the brian and the heart.  

So, since the appoint was 2 hours, rather than the one I had anticipated I was late to my Spanish class.  I think the students dealt with that just fine.  I think I was the only one who cared.  Then we raced home so we could have dinner before the case worker for the family services organization came.  She was coming to help us with post adoption permanency services.  Sounds good.  They will even pay up to $200 per month to help you with baby sitting!  But she didn’t show up. .. .

The bright star?

The printer wouldn’t print and I needed papers for my class tomorrow.  It is our last co-op class (YAY) so it couldn’t wait.  So I had to call my husband at work (have I mentioned he is working nights--yes my 4 out of control kids and I try to stay quiet during the day so he can sleep and then he wakes up and leaves in for me to put them to bed)

Anyway, the bright star:

While on the phone with Dana we realized that one of the ADHD tendencies, not transitioning well, was something that we dealt with a lot with Kai.  We’ve always attributed that to adoption related issues and institutional living. 

He doesn’t have that problem anymore!  As we talked we realized the Kai has learned to go with the flow.  He doesn’t get mad if things change, are out of order or aren’t able to happen.  We took a brief respite in berating our selves as parents to give us a pat on the back.  In two years we have created enough of a secure and loving environment for one of our children that he doesn’t have that over arching tendency to “Keep things in Control.”

Praise God!  Even in the midst of a really bad day there is grace and goodness!


Anonymous said...

Wow. You sound like you've been thru the ringer. Don't have any advice for you. I will say, it's nice to not be the only one in the boat of going to see the psychologist/psychiatrist. I think mine maybe dyslexia (I may have already told you this).

I will wish you peace and wisdom as you go down the road to know what to try and what to do without. You're good at going with your gut/intuition. So that is what I say. "listen to the voice and what it is telling you"

Good luck,

Annie said...

Wow, i knew I hadn't been reading blogs much lately, but when I haven't even been to our family blog in over 10 days. . .

Anyway, I'm excited to hear about Kai! That is great. It's good when you can look back and notice a change.

And ADHD? Really? Hmmmm.

wheresurtreasure said...

Rediscovered your blog--catching up...don't bother to go to mine...it is shipwrecked for now. Becky