Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Agency Changes

A couple of weeks ago our Faithful Adoption agency worker emailed to say she was stepping down from coordinating our program due to some health issues. I felt bad, both for her and for us. I liked her a lot. She is a home school mom of 4 and one is a little girl they adopted at age 4. So I felt that we had much in common.

Our new agency worker, Olga, got in touch with us and had some unexpected news. Cathwell, the orphanage we thought it most likely to get our referral from, did not have ANY paperwork on us! Only our photo album, which they were not doing anything with! So we have filled out their application and our home study agency has graciously sent yet another notarized copy of our home study to Faithful. So hopefully some time this week all that will get to Cathwell in Taiwan! The good news is that they told Olga they would take into consideration the fact that we have had our album there since March. Who knows, maybe we will hear from them soon! We all feel even this seeming “error” is part of God’s plan and his timing to get “our” children to us. Keep the faith!


Ann said...

okay so you are way calmer then i would be. I commend you for your grace. B/C I would be screaming. My stomach dropped just reading this posting. I hope things get straightened out and I didn't know this before but we had our stuff there in March also. So we should be getting our referrals around the same time.

Deb said...

I just found your site.

Wow that is a big error.

I have just recently begun to repeat that same faith statement over our adoption. Every hurdle and delay are in God's hands. He alone knows where our child is and when he/she will be ready to join our family.

I'm am very unfamiliar with Taiwan adoption so I am looking forward to hearing about your journey to your 2 new children.