We got some new photos of Sarah Grace in the mail a few days ago. It was so fun to see new pictures of her, looking happy, going on field trips, interacting with the little kids. But when I made myself a copy and put it in my room, it made me sad. I shouldn't still be looking at photos of Sarah Grace. She should already be sleeping in the bed across the room from me. At least, that's how it feels.
We actually didn't get a written update this time around, it's still being translated, but I was glad they sent the pictures on ahead. Nn news yet on the court case but all the paperwork we know the judge will request has been notarized, authenticated TECOed, and sent to Taiwan. Once it is translated there it will land on the judges desk. We are hoping that when he sees it, he will decide it's about time he set a court date and that once he has the hearing he will make the ruling quickly since it has taken so long already. I'm really hoping to travel in June. Waiting more than a year after our referral seems so unfair that I haven't even let myself think about that possibility yet.
Thanks for the update. I've been wondering what the latest was. I do hope you get to go in June also.
I still can't believe that it's been soo soo long. It really is ridiculous that it's been almost a year since her referral and she still isn't home. I am so sorry for your family and I can't wait to see her at home with you. She's going to be so happy.
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