Monday, September 17, 2007


Last week we got Kai Wei's adoption paperwork in the mail, which would have been exciting, in of itself, but it also included a few photos, and a card Kai Wei made for Mom and Dad. This was my favorite. It was taken on the day I visited, but he has a much nicer smile in this picture than any I managed to capture. Sorry about the poor quality- It didn't scan very well, besides, I cropped myself out of the photo as it was a rather uncomplimentary photo of me attempting to eat a large strawberry. I figured you'd all rather see Kai Wei's smiling face. ;)

The paperwork is proving more troublesome than expected as the notary wouldn't notarize the Chinese adoption contract since she couldn't read Chinese, so now we have to try notarizing, take 2. Hopefully we'll get that cleared up soon.

We're getting closer!


Lisa said...

He is a handsome little boy.


We are considering adopting an older boy from Taiwan also. I contacted you a few weeks back. Thank you for getting back to me. We are still in the talking stage right now, but are hoping to make that final decision by the end of the year.

I will pray for a speedy process for you and your family. Any news on the little girl you are adopting? Will stop by again very soon.


Ann said...

He's a handsome guy!! I hadn't even thought of the notary problem. Let us know what to do, so when the rest of us get there we'll know what to do.

Annie, you're going to be a great big sister. I think it's so wonderful how involved you are in this whole process.

Cole said...

So glad you got the update! I can imagine the notary thing was proving to be difficult but remind the notary that they are only notarizing the fact that you are you and you are signing a document! The details of the document are not suppose to matter just your signature and ID :) Just as TECO will be authenticating that the notary that singed the documents was real but not authenticating that the documents(contracts or power of attorneys) are real. Make sence?
We just got our first ruling September 14th and our 10 day wait should be over on Sept 24th. Here's to praying all our stuff moves quickly. We will be praying for you guys.
