Thursday, September 27, 2007

Or, back in the mail...

I (being Rebecca) haven't posted on here in, oh, ages. However, I was the one to talk to the man from the Taiwan consulate this evening, so I decided I'd break my long silence. My reading on the couch this afternoon was interrupted by Jonathan answering the phone:
"She's not here right now...he's not here, my parents aren't home...would you like to talk to my sister?"

Wonderful. He walks over, hands me the phone, says "It's someone from Taiwan." Again, wonderful. I considered handing it off to Annie, she's older, she's been to the country, and she is far more up to date on what exactly is going on with the paperwork side of things.

The man wasn't actually from Taiwan, but from the consulate, which relieved me greatly because anyone calling us from Taiwan only seemed to mean bad news. Not that his news was good: the paper work we sent in needs to be authorized by the county clerk. Which is hard, because when mom called them before sending off the paper work, they had no idea what she was talking about...So anyway, it looks like, unless there is an excited development after one of my paternal units phones the consul in the morning, our paper work will be back in the mail - to us. Not Taiwan...


Anonymous said...

what a bummer! It's so frustrating when you can't get the right answer.

Lisa said...

I guess I should have read this post first. I am sorry to hear that your paperwork is being sent back. Adoption paperwork is the hardest thing to get through.

I will say a pray for your family that things get worked out and you get back on track.

Good Luck to you all.


Ann said...

So sorry to hear this. When you guys figure it all out you're gonna have to sum it all up for the rest of us so we'll know what to do. Hopefully your family will get this all figured out soon and it will be back in the mail to Taiwan!!