Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Father's Day!

I just wanted to take a few moments to say what an awesome Dad we have. He's always been the one you can ask anything and he'll probably know the answer. Even our cousins say, "Ask Uncle Dana". He took us to work with him and taught me to lay hardwood flooring. When I accidently stepped off a ladder and into a gallon of paint once, he didn't even get angry. He spent hours on the floor playing with us when we were little- "Mud" with Rebecca and I, Fisher Price people with Daniel. He singlehandedly provides for a family of 7, fixes all our computer problems, and cooks the meals when we camp. My Dad's a pretty amazing guy.

Happy Father's Day Daddy! I love you!

Today we also celbrated Jonathan's 12th birthday since we were all in different states or countries when he actually turned 12. I can't believe how big he's getting!

And just a few summer pictures, since our blog has been light on the photos.


Anonymous said...

Very sweet Annie! Dad.

Lauren said...

Cute!!! Happy Father's Day to your dad!

Holly said...

It looks like you guys had a very fun day!

Ann said...

Happy Father's DAy to Dad(he sounds like such a great Dad)

And Happy Birthday to Jonathan, hope you had a great day.

Warbler said...

Hmmmm, Is that Pinchot?