Sunday, July 26, 2009

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Annie! & Hiking on the AT or What we did on Annie's birthday

So today was Annie's  birthday.  She noted that she was a quarter of a century, which made me feel particularly ancient, since I will be exactly twice her age on my next birthday.  We just finished a skype call with her where we watched her open the presents we'd sent down with a short term missions team from our church.  How good is our God that he allowed us to know people going to the same place on our daughter's special day?  It sounded like she was happy and had a nice day.  Here is a picture from our call:
She was holding up one of the t-shirts we'd sent.

While Annie was celebrating in Costa Rica some of us were sick on the couch:

We assume the boys have 5th disease, judging from the nasty, itchy, rash.  They don't feel too bad, just itchy.  So it earned them much more computer time than usual.
In these pictures they were  saying, "Hi Annie, HAPPY BIRTHDAY."

And here are Rebecca and Sarah-Grace celebrating Annie's birthday:

After church Dana and I took Sarah-Grace and the dogs to hike a bit on the Appalachian Trail.  Sarah-Grace was a bit hesitant at first, as on our last hike Daniel had gotten multiple bee stings.  But after a while she was enjoying climbing on the big rocks and finding dinosaurs:


Anonymous said...

My sister is the big 5-0 in a couple of weeks. That makes me 3 years behind her. Somehow, it's a scary number. Alas, NOT getting to big 5-0 is even scarier.

Glad she had a good birthday!


Annie said...

Thanks for posting pictures. Looks like the AT was fun!