Sunday, July 19, 2009

Of Clothespins and Rock Band

Sarah-Grace marched up to Dad the other day and proclaimed: "I'm a woman!" Apparently, earrings made of clothespins and sunglasses is all it takes to transform a little girl to a woman. They grow up so quickly...
(Sarah-Grace, our little woman)

Little boys, unsurprisingly, are less interested in becoming men then they are in becoming monsters. It comes so naturally, even without the clothespins to help the fantasy along.
(Daniel, as a monster. You should see his Gollum imitation.)

The easiest way to make this gang of hooligans happy might be letting them play Rock Band with Tim. Saying yes to their pleas results in crazy dancing around the kitchen table and squeals of joy in Chinese, English, and some language known only to those under 18.

Rock Band takes some serious concentration, man.


Annie said...

Great pictures! I love that you've taken control of the blog now that I'm gone. :)

Laedelas Greenleaf said...

Ah, so it's the clothespins I'm missing on my quest for womanhood! (Oh, yeah...I wandered off that trail years ago.)

Debbie said...

I love these pictures! AND the fact that you have taken over the blog :-)! Thanks, MOM