Monday, May 18, 2009

So near yet so far

Just a quick post from the Dad.  Deb and Annie were delayed in Tokyo, Japan last night.  Seems that their jet was grounded with a faulty fuel pump.  Kai Wei has been saying all along that he
hopes bad things don't happen when they are flying.  At least this bad thing was on the ground.

Kai and I called the hotel in Taipei to let them know of the delay.  When the desk clerk answered in a long string of chinese I asked for an english speaker.  She answered in return that she spoke a little English.  So I asked Kai to translate for me and his first words to her were "hello"...... In chinese I admonished him to which he then replied 你好. The conversation was to awkward for him so I ended up on the phone explaining the delay and letting the hotel know to expect them today. I think they understood. Deb and Annie, I hope if you are reading this, it is from the comfort of your hotel.


beth said...

I'm sorry to hear that. At least they found it while they were on the ground. I must have checked this blog 20 times today!! Deb and Annie, I hope you guys got some sleep. I'll keep on praying for you guys.


Annie said...

Just reading it now- from the hotel in Taiwan!