Monday, May 04, 2009

Still on hold

Hi,  I just wanted to give a short update to let everyone know we still don't know when we will travel.  Sadly, our finger prints expired.  (a paperwork detail I somehow missed)So now we are waiting for FBI clearance.  Please pray this would not take too long.  Also sadly, after we were all finger printed,  Annie and I both had our fingerprints rejected.  DON'T WORRY!    This does not mean we are "bad guys."  It just means we have dumb fingerprints!  Well, actually, they are just full of lines over the swirls that are supposed to be read.  Now if you want, at this point, to think that we are hard working women,  with our our hands in the wash tub and soil, toiling all the day long--please think that. Make us in to good, hard working, 'women of the earth types'.  Why not?   But,  to be honest,  we just think we have the "barely there finger print gene" OR the "old and wrinkled finger gene"  Which is a double bummer for Annie who is only 24!

On the subject of bummers for Annie.  She will leave 2 months from yesterday for a six month discipleship training school.  So each day we wait for our fingerprints to clear is another day she won't spend getting to know this little sister.  So we really could use your prayers for God to speed things up.

Thank you.  And I want you to know, even in this last minute, unforeseen and completely foolish delay( which I can blame myself for), even in this,  God is good and his mercy endures forever and he knows the beginning from the end and he is the First and the Last.  I am so thankful to serve a living God!  Amen.  


Tisra said...

The BIG THING is that SHE's COMING HOME!!!! And, God in all His knowledge, wisdom , and understanding will work it all out!


Anonymous said...

Praying for speedy FBI print results. Hope you get to Taiwan VERY SOON.


Anonymous said...

No, no new adoption from anywhere. I'm willing (some days) but Randy, not so much. 4 kids 6 and under pretty much keep us hopping. Not giving up on the idea of 'ever', but have nothing in the works.

Sure hope things speed up for you guys. Write more about Annie's training. Never heard of it before.
Sounds interesting. WHere is it? What will she do? What will she do with what she gets out of it?
