Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Father in all of this

“Daddy, Daddy” those are the excited words that tug at my heart over and over again. These two children, KaiWei and Ssu Ya, whose language I don’t speak are still able to communicate with me on the most basic level, love. The human need to love and to be loved transcends any language and cultural barrier that might exist.

I had my reservations about the first day we had scheduled to spend with Ssu Ya. Here we were a jet lagged couple from the unitied states about to spend a day wandering around with a little girl in a large foreign city. Mixtures of anticipation, nervousness and fear of the unknown.

We chose the Zoo and it was an excellent choice. Hand in hand we explored the unfamiliar territory of tropical amphibians and cross cultural chasms. What we discovered was the commonality of sharing. The experience of finding and counting all those toads in among the leaves. At first glance there appeared to be only two or three and then all of a sudden we were able to see nine or ten. Each new discovery was excitedly reported and commented on. Twenty three toads later we were no longer strangers but father and daughter exploring the world together. We, (I) had discovered the many ways we can communicate with those we love without even knowing how to speak to one another.

It is the joy of discovery, the joy of sharing , the joy of making memories together. These are the glues that hold us all together as families. These are what make us strong in the fundamental ability to love one another even when we are sometimes prickly old porcupines and not cute little koalas.

Our time at the zoo went by quickly, even though we spent hours. And I know we made some memories.


Annie said...

Oh Daddy, I'm glad you posted, we haven't heard much from your perspective. I'm all teary eyed. It's so nice to hear how those first steps of bonding took place.

Breka said...

I loved your post, Dad. Thanks! I was going to say a little more, but I have to go eat NOW (or so Tim says, because his food is 'getting cold' and we all know how dreadful that is. He'll probably starve while I write this...)

Tisra said...

"Twenty three toads later we were no longer strangers but father and daughter exploring the world together."

Wow. Seriously. Wow. Bless you all as you discover more about each other and grow in love!

waiting for referral

Kaye said...

I have been quietly watching your blog, but I just had to respond to this post. Your words were just what I needed! I'm so touched to hear how you were able to start that bonding process without the words. What a truly precious father-daughter moment; it will probably not be forgotten by Sarah Grace, either. God Bless you guys and have a safe trip home!

waiting on mar 4 court date
for 9 yr. old

Lisa said...


I am finally able to follow your journey as my computer was not working for a few days.

WOW, I am so very happy for you and your family. This has been a long time coming and I am thrilled for you all. Your son is so very handsome and your daughter is absolutely beautiful.

I want to wish you all the best. Safe trip home and God Bless!!!
