Monday, February 11, 2008

Kai Wei!

(too bad I can't get the picture to change orientation!)
So we went to Jonah House today and picked up Kai Wei. We had a really nice time meeting him and going around Jonah House and meeting his friends and seeing his home of these past 2 years. He is very excited and nervous too. He did really well today and has been really sweet. As a matter of fact, after getting his own dinner tonight (at the hotel buffet) he came back to help me bring my coffee.

He thinks I know more Chinese than I do--so there is a bit of a communication gap! But we are getting along. I hope you enjoy the pictures and I posted some on yesterday's post too that I couldn't get to post last night. I think the trick is to do them one at a time.

Please pray for Daniel at home. I guess he is really missing us. Thanks and Good Night!

EATING LUNCH -- Chi wu fan

(Still a rainy day & still can't orient the picture :-)


Jeri said...

I can't believe it's was last summer that Annie was in Taiwan! Time has gone by so fast. Both of the kids look so great and happy. I can't imagine how hard it is/was to leave your daughter there, well back off at Jonah House. But oh, the chance to meet her and hug her!

Anonymous said...

I am sooo excited for your family!! This has been a long haul but I am so glad you are seeing the end!!! I will continue to pray for the process of bringing Sarah home too!
Thanks so much for the comment on our blog! We are so excited and just found out we are off to Africa on Feb 29th!!
We have a lot to do to get ready!!!
Well, I hope you have a great time and safe travels home!
BTW, Blake and Sophi's SW name was Maria. So nice!!!

Take care and blessings!

Breka said...

Finally! Pictures and internet! I'm so pitiful - I actually brought my computer to work and am taking a quick break to bolt down a bagel and check the blog...Hurry up and come home, k? The weekend felt like a week. The pictures are wonderful, THANK YOU!

Anonymous said...

So happy all is going well. Love all the pictures!


Anonymous said...

I just saw that kei wei was eating with a fork! Can he do it well?


Jie Jie to Sarah Lu and Chayah Ru said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! After following your journey for a while through knowing Annie on asiablessings, it is so amazing to finally see Kai Wei with you forever!! And how awesome that you have been able to spend time with and bond with Sarah Grace! I'm sure she will be coming home very soon after you get Kai Wei home! Congrats again!!!!!! =D