Well, Daniel and I just had a short chat with Mom, Dad and Sarah Grace. It's almost 9 there, so they have to bring her back to Jonah house for bedtime. Sarah Grace looked happy! Unfortunately, something is wrong with their microphone, so they can hear us, but we can't hear them and we have to communicate via the chat feature. They also kept losing their connection and had to reinitiate the call. They went to the zoo and Sarah Grace liked the animals and bugs. They didn't go on the gondolas, because she is afraid of them.
Hopefully they will update the blog later today with more info and pics!

And I, being the forgetful daughter that looses track of time, missed the chat, being out in the fields with the dog. See what good care I'm taking of Java, dad? So mom and dad - hurry up and post with some pictures and descriptions!
ok, so I posted a post yesterday and it didn't show up. I think I exited before I confirmed. Oh, well. I'm so excited and have been praying for you guys. I want more pictures. Sara Grace looks so cute and happy. I'm so glad the day went well.
Well, we're off to get snorkeling stuff! Have a great day with Kai Wei and post, post, post.
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